
We have been inspired by Gary Keesee and his “Financial Revolution Conference” that he held at EMIC in May of 2019. One phrase that has jumped out to us is what Jesus said to His staff “gather the fragments, let nothing be wasted.” We began praying about fragments in our life in order to stop any waste and see increase.

By overlooking the fragments in our lives, we can waste our money and miss opportunities.

Recognizing the fragments in our lives opens the door to capturing wealth (saving money) and creating wealth (making money) which is a great benefit to us and those around us.

Many times it’s not the big things that trip us up but the little things – fragments.

Song of Solomon 2:15 The little foxes that spoil the vines.

Matt 14:20 So they all ate and were filled, and they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments that remained.

Gen 13:14-17 And the Lord said to Abram, “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are… for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever…  Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you.”

Sometimes we are so focused on where we are, what we are going through, that we miss the big picture. Lift up your eyes from where you are and let God show you (through His Word and by His Spirit) His will and plan. Because all that you see He has given you. If you can’t see it you can’t receive it.

So, allow the Holy Spirit to show you things to come, ordering and directing your steps. step by step, fragment by fragment, day by day.

Make the little adjustments – repent, forgive, love, rejoice, rest, cast the care on Him, faith and not frustration, maintain your confession of faith in God’s Word and refuse to fear. These are just a few little adjustments that can help us get over the hump and move on and move forward in God and enjoy a successful future.